Which tank was first to use a bio-communication system?
Well, that would be the first tank! As I’m sure most have you have heard at the end of the First World War, the… Read More »Which tank was first to use a bio-communication system?
Well, that would be the first tank! As I’m sure most have you have heard at the end of the First World War, the… Read More »Which tank was first to use a bio-communication system?
In the early 20th century cigarettes were a popular product. Smoking was perceived as a relaxing agent and therefore as benefiting the body and… Read More »Why were cigarettes considered healthy?
During the Great Depression in the United States (1929 – 1939), owners of the flour mills in rural America noticed that many mothers of… Read More »What was America’s fabric of choice during the great depression?
Absolutely nothing! The call was invented by an English radio officer named Mockford. Since much of the traffic at the time was between England and… Read More »What’s the connection between May 1st and the Mayday distress call?
Sweeden, summer of 1912. Jim Thorpe had just finished meditating and ready to step into the Olympic stadium when he found out someone stole… Read More »Who won Olympic medals wearing mismatched shoes?
Throughout history, Scotsmen have gone to war led by a Pipe Major playing his Great Bagpipe. His job was to help his unit mates… Read More »What was the bagpiper’s role in battle?
Once upon a time and actually not so long ago, Santa Claus was called St. Nicholas and it was totally unclear what he looked… Read More »How did Santa get his “official” uniform?
As most of you might have heard, Hitler was not very fond of Jews. However, there was one exception – the Edeljude. Dr. Eduard… Read More »Who was the Jewish Doctor that Hitler loved?
In 1927, after seven successful years in office, Charles Dunbar Burgess King leader of the True Whig Party and President of Liberia, decided to… Read More »What was the biggest electoral fraud in history?
Lieutenant-Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming “Jack” Churchill, was a commando British Army officer who fought throughout the Second World War armed with a longbow,… Read More »Who stormed fortified bunkers armed with a sword and won the day?